Golf and Trump

I’ve been pretty much silent about he impeachment process. The refusal of Republicans to admit Trump committed crimes against America is so appalling that it makes me wonder if democracy can survive. This blog is named for Judge Learned Hand. He said that democracy rested on the principle that new facts could change one’s opinion on an issue. He always attempted to make the best decision given the facts available to him So, in respect to his memory, I have not written much about this painful process of impeachment. The Republican Party is not the party of Judge Learned Hand.

However, I discovered a book by the sports writer Rick Reilly entitled Commander in Cheat: How Golf explains Trump. My new strategy to win the 2020 election is to recommend this book to anyone who supports Trump and plays golf. Most people who play golf respect the game. Reilly says that 90% of golfers report their scores honestly and self police on the course. Trump is not one of these. In golf as in politics Trump lies and cheats.

Apparently he is a pretty good golfer with an 8-9 handicap even though he claims he has a handicap of 2-3. He hits a long drive but his short game is uneven. He violates every rule. He moves his ball to a better lie whenever he wants. He picks up his ball on the green as a ‘gimme’ assuming he will make putts up to 10 feet. He drives his cart onto the greens. The list of rule violations that Reilly describes is enormous. Reilly has interviewed a lot of people who have played golf with Trump and they uniformly say his cheats his way through his rounds. In the final chapter of his book describing Trump's attitude toward golf Reilly says:
Your must be thinking, "What does golf have to do with being President? What does it matter that he [Trump] cheats at it? What's it got to do with leading the country. 
If you'll cheat to win at golf, is it much further to cheat to win an election? To turn a Congressional vote? To stop an investigation? 
If you lie about every aspect of the game, is it that much further to lie about your taxes, your relationship to the Russians, your groping of women?
My recommendation is to send a copy of this book to everyone you know who is a Republican and plays golf. Perhaps this insight into the personality and behavior of Trump will persuade those who tolerate his politics to vote against him because of his attitude toward the game they love. If facts don't sway them perhaps love of the sport will.


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