Donald Trump is a Communist. Here's why.

Donald Trump is a communist. Here’s why.

First, we know that Putin worked to subvert our 2016 election and get Donald Trump elected. Why would he do that? What is in those transcripts of the private, Trump to Putin conversations, locked away in the super-secure computer server in the White House? Where is the quid pro quo for all the time, money, and help Putin has funneled to Trump?  Trump is creating an American communist state under the guidance and assistance of Tsar Putin.

Classical Communism, in the form created by Marx and Engels and implemented by Lenin, establishes a state run by and for the proletariat. The class struggle between the bourgeoisie - the propertied, educated class - and the proletariat - the wage earner class - has been going on for centuries. From the beginning of his campaign Trump has held himself up to be the supporter of the poor, out of work wage earners of America's middle and lower class - the proletariat that the Democrats forgot. Trump's interest in them is solely to get their votes and because holding oneself up to be a Populist is what American demagogues do. But, nevertheless, he has stated over and over again that he wants to help this group so we will take him at his word. Trump is a supporter of the proletariat.

Evidence of Trump's support of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie is obvious; he has put the proletariat in charge of running the country. His choice of cabinet members, secretary of state, political allies, political advisors, personal lawyers are all undereducated and inexperienced. They certainly are not the brightest and the best. The 'deep state' is a Trumpist code term referring to members of the bourgeoisie working in government. Replacing the educated, information based, experienced government workers with poorly educated, inexperienced Trump loyalists is right out of Stalin and Putin's playbook. Equate 'deep state' with bourgeoisie and Trumpists with the proletariat.

In a communist country you can't have rule by democracy because someone who doesn't believe in Communism might get elected. This explains why the Republican Party and Trump are attempting to destroy our democracy and replace it with rule by a single, and in this case, minority party. Will Moscow Mitch be the chairman of the central committee? McConnell's nickname is another semi-joke. People are feeling the tilt toward Russian communism and have expressed their unease in jokes like this new and perhaps correct nickname for our current leader of the Senate. Moscow Mitch as chairman of the central committee of the Republican aka communist party.

Many people have perhaps forgotten that Russia is a communist country. Ownership of the means of production, a feature of true communism, is in the hands of the state.  Russia may own the steel companies, the gas and oil producers, the news media, but the profits go to the oligarchs rather than the true owners, the proletariat. This is perfect for Trump. The wealthy of America own more and more of the means of production and keep the profits for themselves leaving the proletariat to assuage their poverty with drugs and alcohol. The American oligarchs are already in place so Trump won't have to pick them.

American foreign policy has alienated our NATO allies and moved us closer to Russia. The recent pullout of troops from Syria leaving the Kurds to fight the Turks is a gift to Russia whose influence in the middle east has increased incredibly under Trump. Ukraine is floundering because of our policy decisions. If you look at our foreign policy as having a direction in the world, it seems to be heading to Moscow. Why would that be?

Trump has not revealed this plan. This is not surprising since he didn't reveal his plan for solving the middle east crisis, for getting rid of ISIS, of improving the economy, of putting coal miners back to work, or solving the immigrant problem. The communist plan was handed to him by Tsar Putin but he cannot reveal it to us because you might thing he was beholden to Putin. A communist politician would be banned in Washington and even worse, Florida. Trump’s plan is to support an American version of Russian communism - secretly.

All of you out there who have been supporting Trump have been duped into supporting communism. 


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