
The drama is just beginning. Soon The Whistle-blower will be outed and testify if he or she hasn't been gunned down by angry Trump supporters. The files sequestered away on the ultra-secret-private server in the White House will be subpoened open and many more violations of our nation's laws will be revealed. The Republicans will be forced to vote against Trump and he will be kicked out office into the waiting hands of the District Attorney of New York, like all the other practitioners of organized crime. We will get to see Trump's tax returns finally, and they will only reveal that he isn't as wealthy as he claims. Pence will be President briefly while Mitt Romney prepares his campaign if he hasn't already. The fight between Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney will internecine warfare for Massachusetts. The outcome is a toss-up.

And what about America? What about all those nice, hardworking, under-educated, white, Christians who once again gave their love and money to a television con-artist? Will they hop on the conspiracy theory train driven by Rudy Giuliani or will they have their eyes opened to the fact that the mainstream media, as sensational and pandering as it can be at times, is actually on the side of truth and not involved in a massive, deep state conspiracy. If they ride with Rudy we could have a brief, bloody insurrection of AK-15 armed patriots who simply can't stand the idea that our nation is changing. Unlike Edgar Welch who fired his assault weapon in Comet Pizza in an attempt to uncover the truth, these people will 'know' the truth: their country is being taken over by people of color. White supremacy is at the bottom of this movement along with greed and misogyny. Boy, did they find the right leader in Donald Trump. Recently he tweeted that civil war would break out if he was impeached but said nothing to calm those who might take up arms and will surely die. The National Guard and the Army will kill many of them, but others will hold up in remote areas of our country and bide their time. For generations they will strike out intermittantly until memory fails and the passion wanes.

Blood in the streets will be on Trump's hands and on the hands of those who enabled him and prepared the way for his election: Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Thomas B. Hofeller, the Brothers Koch, and, of course, Mitch McConnell. Many others could be on this list. All those who acted to hold onto power by destroying our democracy could be added but nuance blurs the edges of the group photo.

Like all school yard bullies, Trump is a coward. Once the opposition is stacked strongly against him and his gang of Republican enablers begins to pull back from the fight, he may, like Nixon, resign.  He could save lives by asking his supporters to lay down their guns and accept defeat. But he won't. He will go from bully to victim. This has already started. He will let the ranchers, miners, and unemployed, angry folks fall to the gunfire of the police and military. He may be put in jail or he may elude justice by moving to the Soviet Union to start a new string of hotels and residences.

Authoritarianism is not a good fit for America. We are a country of individuals. Most of us realize that we have enough of the god/spirit inside each of us to live civil lives without an overarching ideology or ruler. The constitution gives each of us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So lets impeach Trump, shake hands with our neighbors and all work together to make America into the land of freedom and hope.


  1. A succinctly drawn seismic shift we're experiencing to our core.


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