Donald Trump is a Communist. Here's why.
Donald Trump is a communist. Here’s why. First, we know that Putin worked to subvert our 2016 election and get Donald Trump elected. Why would he do that? What is in those transcripts of the private, Trump to Putin conversations, locked away in the super-secure computer server in the White House? Where is the quid pro quo for all the time, money, and help Putin has funneled to Trump? Trump is creating an American communist state under the guidance and assistance of Tsar Putin. Classical Communism, in the form created by Marx and Engels and implemented by Lenin, establishes a state run by and for the proletariat. The class struggle between the bourgeoisie - the propertied, educated class - and the proletariat - the wage earner class - has been going on for centuries. From the beginning of his campaign Trump has held himself up to be the supporter of the poor, out of work wage earners of America's middle and lower class - the proletariat that the Democrats forgot. Trump...