Trump goes to school

Trump is going to school. Last week he joked with Putin about not interfering in the elections in the United States, essentially asking Putin to keep up the good work. He has learned from Putin how to send messages in public that are clearly illegal and antidemocratic. Conspiracy requires secrecy and intent to do harm. Trumps interaction with Putin was not done in public and the face-value message was legal. No law covers joking as as a way of reversing the meaning of his statement. But never the less, his interaction with Putin was conspiracy in plain sight.

This week he is in North Korea visiting Kim Jong Un. His stated reason for going to North Korea is to convince the North Korea to stop making nuclear weapons and get rid of the ones they have. His real reason is to get a first hand look at how to run a country without the intervention of the people. How much easier Trump's job would be if he didn't have to run for election or talk to Nancy Pelosi! Next we'll have McConnell going to North Korea for volleyball lessons. While he's there he'll take notes on holding on to power through rule changing and stonewalling agendas. The rumor is that the Republican party is thinking of holding their next international conference on governance in Pyongyang.

We will know this blog is not a joke if next Trump travels to Hungary to spend time with Orbán and the Fidesz Party officials and then moves on to visit Erdogan in Turkey.

Democracy is coming under attack everywhere, including America. The Republican party is shifting toward autocracy because their agenda is unfriendly toward the majority of Americans, the increasing ranks of the poor. The Supreme Court has just spoken in favor of political gerrymandering giving those in power the weapons to hold on to power in the face of becoming the minority party. The Supreme court has also equated money with free speech, giving those with more money a louder voice and hence more votes in electing our leaders. The average person is now less than average and, if this trend continues, will have no rights as a 'person' at all.

The Supreme Court needs to stand up for democracy first when interpreting the constitution because it was written primarily to create a democratic country. When the justices interpret its language to mean something non-democratic they have made an error as they did in their ruling on gerrymandering and Citizens United. Our congressmen must use forbearance and tolerance when governing. Those who have studied how democracies die point out that using all means available to defeat those you do not agree with leads to a non-democratic state. And finally to paraphrase Judge Hand, in whose memory this blog is written, the secret to being a democracy is being willing to change your mind in the face of new and better information. Using information rather than ideology to make decisions will keep our country democratic.

Watch Trump travel. If he goes to Hungary and Turkey next, you will know we need to prepare for a full scale assault on our democracy, all joking aside, even if it is done in public.


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