An open letter to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Dear Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles,

Reading the press coverage of President Trump's visit to your family has embarrassed me enough that I feel compelled to write this open letter of apology for his behavior. Now I realize I am not there, so I can't report first hand on his demeanor, his conversation or his humor but we all know him well - too well - so that having him represent us makes us cringe. Most Americans are not all blowhards and pompous greedy liars. We are mostly people who want to work with other nations of the world to create a safe and fair place for ourselves and children. We don't denigrate people of other races. We don't insult our allies. We don't turn our back on generations of cooperation to keep world war from happening again. And mostly we don't lie.

I have seen enough English movies and TV shows to know that the perfect English butler treats even the lowest persons with the same grace that he treats royalty. He learns this from the person who employs him. So I am sure you were gracious to Mr. Trump and his family, some of whom seem to be civil and have manners. I have even heard an occasional Trump family member say sometimes that suggests they may actually have real information about a subject, rather than a simple opinion espoused by Fox News. Perhaps you were lucky enough to get to spend time with Mr. Trump's wife or children rather than all your time with him.

If he is still there, I have a little advice for you, advice which you have already figured out, I'm sure. No matter what he says, just nod and smile but please do not listen. Nothing he says is based on having a reasonable understanding of whatever subject you are discussing. If he says something misogynistic or racist, just, please ignore it because it comes from the same source as any compliments he might deliver: a dark hole of no-nothingness. He is mentally unstable, illiterate and not very bright. But because he got elected President, he feels he must opine on everything, in spite of knowing nothing about the subject. Please look up the Dunning-Krueger effect and you will understand.

If you finally get bored with him, it is always amusing to remind him that he lost the popular vote in the last election by more than 3 million votes. This always seems to produce an explosion of blustering tweets about illegal immigrants, John McCain, Hillary Clinton (you remember her) and climate change. He may storm off to the men's room phone in hand, thumbs flying. Often he delays this because he can't keep his hair in order and power-tweet at the same time.

Thank you both for putting up with Mr. Trump. He is our President. Our system produced him. We feel badly about it but we as a nation must own our mistake. We apologize and will try to do better next time.

Frank McCullar

PS. Please be sure that at today's service commemorating D-Day that someone inform our President that D-Day does not mean Donald Day. Thank you.


  1. TY for your humor and incisiveness. I've been a bit under the weather here... tho' hopefully not directly related to the man with orange hair covering his vacuous brain. So, I missed a number of your editorials. Catching up, now, as you help us focus. There are globally far too many heinous actions perpetrated by the fake president, placing us all in imminent peril. Many tears and explosions of curse words from me aren't helping anyone...


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