
Yesterday it came to me in a flash, as many revelations do, why Trump lies continuously. He isn't actually lying in the way that you and I do, in order to avoid the bad consequences of a bad decision. Trump's world is not yours and mine. Trump lives in an imaginary world. Perhaps he is a true Romantic in the literary sense, like Wordsworth and Coleridge, whose felt the imagination could alter the world for many people, in an artistic way. More likely Trump imaginary world is the world of a person with an anti-social personality or a narcissistic personality. These folks make up a world that suits their needs. Since Trump has little or no facts about the real world except those he gets from selective television watching his world is really inside the tube and can be altered with a new script whenever it suits him or he needs something. I am not speaking metaphorically here. And there is one more troubling possibility, a possibility that seems increasingly likely, that Trump's brain is becoming defective. Recently he has been unable to pronounce words like 'origin' which repeatedly came out as 'orange'. He called Tim Cook, Tim Apple. He misspelled healthcare, healtcare, which I find it hard to believe if the reports that he dictates his tweets and then edits them before they are chirped, are true. Recently he said that his father was born in Germany when he was actually born in Brooklyn. And today stated that wind turbines cause cancer because of their noise.

So, citizens of America, are we being represented by a person who is living in an imaginary world or a person whose brain is wearing out? It has to be one or the other if one is to explain the stream of untrue statements that are daily tweeted from the Whitehouse. As a physician, I think both are probably true. In my opinion Trump has lived for years in an imaginary world, a world in which his only information is from television. Television isn't bad as a source, but, as with all sources it must be fact checked especially if one is to act on information one receives that way. Since Trump doesn't or can't read, he probably finds it difficult to check facts. Also, he knows from his experience on television that if things don't go right you simply change the script, either written or verbally agreed upon. So when things aren't going right in the current reality TV show that we call the Presidency, he simply changes the script to suit him. This is a technique used by people with anti-social personality disorder, incidentally. If he doesn't like the fact that NATO members aren't paying their full share, then NATO is bad and we should withdraw. Forget the wars that led to NATO. Perhaps Fox News didn't adequately fill in that bit of background during one of its anti-NATO segments. Trump's statements about healthcare are so ridiculously uninformed that anyone who takes him seriously must either be as uninformed or never been sick. The Republican healthcare plan he says is coming and he will reveal if he is re-elected in 2020, doesn't exist. It is not possible to create a plan in which everyone can buy health insurance who wants it for lower premium prices, unless everyone has to buy health insurance. There is no way around this fact. The Republican say they have been forming a new plan for years that will circumvent this fact (not a Trump fact but a real fact) and it is simply not possible. But in Trumpworld, his imaginary world, anything is possible, sort of like Disneyland. As the computer simulations get better and better, even fairies and dragon look entirely real, but that doesn't make them any more real.

Above I said that both of the possibilities that might explain Trump's chronic lying are true. When one starts using the wrong word in place of the correct word, like Apple for Cook, or forgetting where your father was born, these are symptoms of dementia or other brain problem such as substance abuse or other illness that impairs cognition. It is time to send him for a brain MRI and a urine drug screen. Perhaps recheck his thyroid; he has been gaining weight. If I was this guy's doctor I would not only be worried about my patient but for people on the bus he's driving.

Trumpworld is not the real world, and there is a real world. There are numbers, facts, photos, testimony, science, and artifacts that support the truth. In Trumpworld these are ignored. More people attended his inauguration than any other. His win in the election against Hillary Clinton was by the largest electoral college margin in history. The majority of people crossing the Mexican-American border are rapists and criminals. The Affordable Care Act is a failure. He knows more about Syria, Russian intervention in politics, NATO, ISIS, the Middle East, China, then all our intelligence agencies and he knows it without reading briefing memos or books. Fox News provides every thing he needs to make decision of worldwide importance.


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