Impeachment, Mueller and God

We now have a reason to impeach Trump and remove him from office. Senior officials in the bureau of Homeland Security, which includes cybersecurity, say that Trump's senior advisors refused to allow the director to bring up the issue of protecting the 2020 election from Russian influence, because Trump refused to discuss the issue. Trump does not want any discussion of the "fact" that the Russian's helped get him elected. He does not want to have this "fact" diminish the legitimacy of his election. The only thing we hear from Trump about the Russians is that he didn't collude or conspire with them. If I were the Russians I wouldn't want anyone as immature and unpredictable as Trump on my team carrying out a secret operation, so they probably actively worked to keep the bozo off the team. We have heard nothing from Trump about how to protect our elections from foreign influence. Is that not conspiring by doing nothing? In his oath of office he said, 
"to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
American need ex-director of the Office for Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, to testify under oath that the allegations that the President failed to defend our country's election against foreign influence. If she substantiates these claims, when coupled with Trump's unbelievably gangster-like attempts to obstruct the Mueller report, he should be impeached. I'm not sure he should be removed from office. It might be better to leave that to the American people.

The Mueller report has been dissected and analyzed by many thoughtful people. While it does exonerate Trump of conspiring with the Russian to influence the 2016 election it does not exonerate Trump from attempting to obstruct justice. To quote the report:
At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it does not exonerate him(underlining is mine).
The Mueller report verified the assertions of many of the books written by people who have left the Trump administration. Under oath and supported by documentation 500 witnesses have confirmed to the Mueller Commission that our President knows nothing about the rule of law, foreign policy, economics, or the duties of the President. He denigrates people who take notes about meetings, which all of us learned to do in college so we would get the information correct. Trump doesn't want any documentation of what he says or does so he can deny it later. "What kind of lawyer takes notes?" he said of Michael Cohen. I'll tell you what kind, the kind that want documentation of what happened. The head of the FBI, Comey, took notes after every one of his meetings with Trump to better remember the bizarre nature of the interactions. Trump simply doesn't care about facts or information. Nor does he want to be held accountable for his actions.

Nancy Pelosi thinks the voters should be the one's to remove Trump from office by the voters. If Congress removes Trump from office, the armed citizenry who believe in the 'deep state' conspiracy are likely to shoot a lot of policemen, military personel, and politicians and foment a small civil war. It might turn Trump into a 'martyr' for the conspiracy theorists.  And it will last a long time and drive an even larger wedge between the people in this country who make their decision based on evidence or ideology. Pelosi might be right. As I have written before, 25% of Americans think 'God' wanted Trump elected President. The question is will 25% believe God changed his mind if Trump is defeated. Does God change his mind? Since true believers will believe anything they might even believe that God weighed the evidence and made the right decision. If Congress removes Trump from office they will believe the 'deep state' is going against God's will and make our national division worse.

The Mueller Commission Report absolves Trump of actively participating with the Russian government to influence the 2016 Presidential election. Trump clearly liked the help the Russians gave him. He publicly asked the Russians to find the deleted emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server. This help is probably what got him elected. Though there are differences of opinions on the significance of the Russian manipulation of American public opinion the book (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by the head of the (xxxxxx) concludes that the Russian ‘turned the tide’ and did give Trump the needed votes for a victory.

Part 2 of the Mueller Commission Report does not absolve Trump of attempting to obstructing justice. The Mueller Commission states this clearly:
At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it does not exonerate him. (bold type is mine)
Part 2 of the Mueller Commission Report paints a picture from sworn testimony supported by documents of a President who in entirely incapable of doing his job. Over and over again his aides refuse to follow his illegal instructions. McGahn, the White House attorney threatened to resign rather than fire Sessions because Sessions had recused himself from the Russian investigation. Sessions was required to recuse himself by DOJ guidelines. His recusal was not optional.

Over and over again Trump demonstrates his complete disinterest in facts. Jared Kushner, his son-in-law presented him with copies of the emails leading up to the June 9th meeting between Donald Trump, Jr. and the Russians for the purpose of obtaining harmful information about Hillary Clinton, and he refused to look at it. Then that he made up the story that the meeting was about an adoption program for Russian children. He lied to contradict the facts without even knowing what the facts were, once again demonstrating that for Trump lies and facts are interchangeable.

What we relearn from this report is that the President of the United states is a naive person, a child in many senses, being herded by adults. The anonymous letter to the New York Times from a person in the Trump administration said the same thing. They, the adults, are keeping Trump, our President, from doing anything too terrible.

In a sense the Mueller Report has helped Trump. By focusing on his character flaws, his ignorance, his lying, and his lack of understanding of the job he was elected to do, we have lost focus on the fact that he has done nothing to Make America Great Again. He has no foreign policy, no domestic policy, not economic policy and no immigration policy. He makes comments about these issues but he has no coherent overview of any of them. And he has no idea how to work with the other branches of government to move forward with any part of the Republican agenda. 

What needs to be preserved is our democracy. Autocracy leads to curtailment of freedoms. Republicans who like our American democracy need to work to preserve it by getting Trump out of office. Howver actions show that many of them are willing to trade democracy for power - Mitch McConnell among them. Perhaps God is the ultimate autocrat and people who believe in him feel like having a living person act in the same way is good for America. I disagree.


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