Impeachment, Mueller and God
We now have a reason to impeach Trump and remove him from office. Senior officials in the bureau of Homeland Security, which includes cybersecurity, say that Trump's senior advisors refused to allow the director to bring up the issue of protecting the 2020 election from Russian influence, because Trump refused to discuss the issue. Trump does not want any discussion of the "fact" that the Russian's helped get him elected. He does not want to have this "fact" diminish the legitimacy of his election. The only thing we hear from Trump about the Russians is that he didn't collude or conspire with them. If I were the Russians I wouldn't want anyone as immature and unpredictable as Trump on my team carrying out a secret operation, so they probably actively worked to keep the bozo off the team. We have heard nothing from Trump about how to protect our elections from foreign influence. Is that not conspiring by doing nothing? In his oath of office he ...