The Mueller Report

Mueller concluded, according to Attorney General Barr, that neither Trump nor his campaign staff worked with the Russians to tilt the election toward Trump. This is probably true. From what I know about Mueller and his staff I feel that we can trust them. Did Trump's campaign staff want help from the Russians? Of course! They met with them to see about getting dirt on Hillary. Because nothing came of it, there was not court case. Just because neither Trump nor his campaign actively sent false emails, social media posts and other propaganda to millions of American doesn't mean he didn't appreciate the effort Putin put out on his behalf

I have also spent two years reading about the financial connections between Trump and the Russian big money players. Clearly, there is money laundering going on by the Trump organization and the Russian oligarchs as well as those high up in the. Russian government. Trump had already been paid by the Russians to be their lobbyist in America. The Russian worked without his direct knowledge to get him elected by subverting our election system using social media and false news. Mueller indicted the people who were directly responsible for these election crimes. The mission was clear: elect Trump not Hillary.

There are many reasons the Russians might prefer Trump over Hillary Clinton. Hillary is tough, smart and informed. She knows Tzar Putin and his oligarchy. It is possible that Putin's only reason for supporting Trump was to not have to deal with Hillary as President. But the trail of money that ties Trump to the Russian oligarchs is so well worn and wide that is seems clear people walked that path for a purpose. For Trump, money might have been purpose enough. For the Russians under Putin, a bigger place on the world stage for a country decimated by decades of communist mismanagement was the goal. Trump's greed ties him to the Russians. The Russians got him elected whether he knowing helped or not. The Mueller report has not changed those facts.

Mueller also made no decision about whether Trump obstructed justice. The Attorney General doesn't want to pursue those charges. It will be interesting to read what Mueller actually wrote about this issue.  What did he think about the letter Trump dictated on Air Force 1 in which he said that the meeting with the Russians by his son was about possibilities for adopting Russian children and not obtaining information harmful to the Clinton campaign. I would also like to know what he thought about asking Comey to not pursue a legitimate investigation into the Russian influence in the election. Is attempting to stop a legitimate investigation obstructing justice.

So we, Americans all, are still left with Trump for president. Many of us were hoping for evidence of collusion that would drive him from office. That didn't happen. But, it is clear now what needs to happen. Trump is leading the way for the Democrats by using his post-Mueller euphoria to generate a whole new roadmap of bad decisions. The Democrats just need to follow it.

The destruction of the Affordable Care Act should drive enough poor people into the Democrats lap to defeat Trump in 2020, despite their white tribal allegiance. What the Democrats need now is someone to pick up the banner and lead the charge against the foolishness of the Republican Party.

Yesterday my middle school grand daughter lobbied in our state legislature for tighter controls on assault weapons. She sees what is happening and is acting to make our country a more civil and safer place. If everyone simply looked at the world and our place in it, looked at the systems that have been developed to make the lives of the average person more livable and risk free, they would see that we need to become more European in our civil structure. Affordable education and universal healthcare are government roles just like military, police, clean water and air, and other services that reach beyond the borders of the states. These issues are the road map for Democrats.

Unfortunately Mueller's report didn't save us from Trump. Now we must save ourselves.


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