Donald's Chronicles Numero 1

Donald’s Chronicles Numero 1

It's 3am and I'm awake wondering if the president is awake also. I wonder if he is thinking what I’m thinking. Now that he has no Chief of Staff and no Secretary of Defense, no Attorney General, and since he is Commander in Chief, if he orders the military to do something, will they do it? This is a huge question for America the Democracy. No fascist regime can function without a strong right arm and Trump is no Hellboy. “What is it that makes a man, a man?” This question was asked by Hellboy’s “father” played by John Hurt in the first move. The answer is that ‘it is the decisions that he makes.’ Hellboy, and his strong right arm, decided to not use force to rule the universe because the lives of so many normal people would be ruined, so much pain and suffering would be caused, so much joy of freedom lost. But just as Trump is no Obama, he is no Hellboy either. If cartoon characters are used for comparison, only Scrooge McDuck fits the bill. Ignorant, quacking, greed.

Since I am thinking about this at 3am, tomorrow I should buy a copy of How Democracies Die rather than waiting for it from the library; before it is too late. Having only read about the book and having read a lot about the definitions of fascism, Trump's path seems clear. He has gotten rid of the undergrowth that made it difficult to proceed. Now is his time to test the route and to see if the military will follow.

My prediction is that soon after the New Year, being faced with a Democratic House, the president will find an excuse to order the military into action, to get it used to carrying out his orders. This will probably come in the form of building a wall between Mexico and America. He can invoke emergency powers because of the threat of invasion. The military has a huge budget, enough to build his wall from its 'minor expenses fund'. Once he has them used to doing what he wants and can't get the congress to do, he can use them for other things, like rounding up illegal immigrants, obstructing the press from attending events of importance, and oversee voting. And I forgot about Mueller. Perhaps Navy Seals will be dispatched to round up Mueller and his associates, plus all their files, and take them to the landfill. If this happens, what will you do about it?

My first draft of this essay began with me finding myself sitting on the toilet at 3am, telephone in hand, starting to tweet about something. Suddenly I realized that I was channeling Trump: not completely but somehow getting interference on my neural circuits from his neural circuits. I knew what he intends to do next! I was about to tweet it all out but I stopped. There was no humor in this scenario so I erased this first draft and just told the story. But I worry that maybe my wires are crossed with his somehow. I haven't changed my hair style. I'm still nice to my wife. I've got to let this go....

Happy New Year! Let's hope nothing I have predicted happens and that new handlers come into the White House and take charge of our child/president. Maybe if he gets a lot of great presents for Christmas he will feel better about the poor folks threatening to invade from the south. Maybe he'll realize he doesn't need any more money. Maybe he'll realize his good fortune is that he was born in America to wealthy parents and had nothing to do with his abilities. Maybe he'll let justice do its job and leave Mueller alone. Let's all send the Donald gifts for Christmas. Perhaps if he feels loved he'll start being nice.


  1. Getting very dark, perhaps Step back from the blog for a few days


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