Please read Andrew Sullivan and vote

After reading Andrew Sullivan's essay in New York Magazine today I should just post the link and shut up. Here it is:

Just a few words...

It's election day and we all need to get out and vote. And sadly vote Democratic. Never before have I felt that generalizing an election was the correct thing to do. Always before voting was about electing the best candidate, not elect the best party. But now it is. The Republican Party has failed. Their failure is threatening both our democracy and constitution but our nation as a civilized country.

What have they failed at? Doing their job. First they failed to consider legislation proposed by Obama and simply voted against everything he suggested. Then they failed to play by the rules and changed the rules of governing to give their slight majority an advantage in confirming a judicial system that was heavily swayed to the right than upholding judicial even-handed-ness.

But their biggest failure was to stand up to the executive branch in the form of Trump. Never before in the history or our country, except perhaps in the post Civil War era has racism been so proudly displayed by a president. Never before has a president lied to the American people and smiled broadly while knowingly doing it. Trump has generated an atmosphere of fear toward immigrants (the founders of our country), the press (the voice of the people), women (our mothers and sisters and wives), and the educated (our information base). If you are afraid of all these groups then you are one of the people that Hillary Clinton labeled 'deplorable'.

So please vote today for the Democratic candidate on the ballot which is a vote against Trump. I would have said 'against Trump and all he stands for' except he stands for nothing but himself. He has no philosophy except bullying for self gain. Let's vote to stand together as one nation under our constitution. Vote Democratic. Maybe in the next election we can once again look beyond Party support and vote for the best single candidate.


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