Trump has poisoned his own well

There is nothing to say anymore about Donald Trump. Whatever he says is not worth listening to because he has poisoned his own well. For anyone who doesn't know the concept, poisoning the well means that a person has convinced listeners that anything another particular person says is not to be believed because that person lies. The term is an analogy to a well in which the water is poison so that any time one gets water it has to thrown away rather than drunk because it will harm the drinker. In this case Trump has poisoned his own well with his constant lying and uncivil comments, the words of a compulsive liar and bully.

Well, I've drunk from the well of Trump too much, and it has definitely poisoned my mind. Unfortunately, some people don't realize they have been poisoned. The anger toward non-white Americans, against immigrants, against muslims, against the press, against women, against faithfulness in marriage, is continually fueled by a lying president. In another blog I called him the Lying King. I want to retract that because the king is another of his delusions, and we shouldn't do anything to support delusions, especially in the mentally ill.

Having worked my entire life in the emergency room, I often came in contact with the mentally ill in crisis. Many were compelled to talk about their delusions. Some thought they were Christ of the anti-Christ. Many thought that they were being listened to by the government through devices implanted in their bodies. I always tried to follow the best practices and not try to convince these folks that their delusions were untrue. Nor did I want to become part of their delusions. Unfortunately mental health workers often are attacked and sometimes killed by seriously deluded patients who have incorporated their therapist into their delusions. Trump is delusional about many things and the best idea is to ignore almost everything he says and not involve yourself in his delusion either by joining him or fighting against him. What a thing to say about the president of the United States!

In the first year of Trump's presidency the book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, suggested strongly that our new leader was seriously mentally ill. The book was written off by many as a politically biased attack. But you don't need any experts to educate you about Trump's mental health. Just listening to his anger, his bullying, his reversal of position, his servile demeanor in the presence of Tsar Putin, but most of all his constant lying should tell anyone listening that this guy is mentally unstable. Don't many of you have a relative who shoots his or her mouth off about issues without knowing what they are talking about? One who has so much anger and prejudice it just come oozing out when they talk about any issue? If not, consider our president as a perfect example of someone you've just got to ignore or they will make you as crazy as they are.

What do we do now that this guy has been elected? We vote! We vote and we encourage everyone we know to vote. America made its first big electoral mistake electing Trump. Usually the American people vote sensibly over all. Even if I don't always agree with who gets elected I am willing to put up the swings in political power that are part of our system, a system that, so far, has worked very well. Let's keep it working and vote this madman out of office. As much as one may dislike politicians as a group, they are better than what we have - an uneducated, compulsive liar.

So, its time to stop listening in any meaningful way to Trump. Whatever comes out of his mouth is not to be trusted. The people who act on what he says do so at their own peril and hopefully not ours. We must vote him out of office and get back our awkward, argumentative, but usually honest democratic government.


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