My Attorney General

When I read that yesterday Trump said,

‘I don’t have an attorney general’

I was torn between the laughing and recoiling in horror.

The humorous take on this statement asks: Does Donald finally realize that winning the election did not mean that he won America as his prize? Perhaps he thought that winning America meant he would have his own Attorney General as well as his own House of Representatives and his own Senate. Did he finally have realized his error? Did you ever wonder why he never said, "I don't have an Intelligence Community?" Because it sounds too much like "I don't have intelligence." The reason he disagrees with the intelligence community so often is because they are just what their name implies: an intelligence community, in contrast to an ignorance community. Or a community of greedy bigots. Trump belongs to both those communities as well as the community of liars: himself, Manafort, Gates, Kelly, Sanders, et al. The Intelligence Community's job is to find the truth. No wonder they are at odds.

Forget the humorous side of this statement. This statement should frighten any person who loves this country. After 20 months in office Donald Trump still thinks that the Attorney General of the United States is his personal servant, his employee, his factotum. After 20 months of input from his staff, the media, his family, he still doesn't get the point that he was elected to serve the people of the United States. America is not a Trump Enterprise. Anyone still making statements like this after this much time in office is even more ignorant and unteachable than even I thought. He should be put back a grade. Perhaps he can't read.

One more thing...

Yesterday Donald also decreed to limit immigration to 30,000 rapists and criminals a year. Excuse me, those are Donald's words, 30,000 legal immigrants per year. America is country of immigrants, except of course for the native Americans. How can America, the most dynamic, rich, imaginative and successful country in the world not be able to absorb 30,000 new people per year. We lose 50,000 a year to deaths from opiates, why not replace them with the hopeful escapees of violent governments. Our birth rate is falling. We are fully employed so there are no jobs to lose to those minimum wage immigrants. We have room. China is virtually the same size as the United States with four times the population.

Trump grew up in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, the beacon of hope for the displaced of the world. Did he never go to the Tenement Museum in New York City or visit Ellis Island? America was made great by immigrants so let's make America great again, and open our arms to those who need a safe haven and an opportunity.

Note: this was a therapy blog


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