Corporation influence on Elections

Corporations are not people. Just as no one has ever heard a dollar bill speak and no one has ever heard a corporation speak. Nor can corporations vote since they are not citizens. Yet in this era many large corporations are more like foreign countries, being intertwined with businesses in other nations. Today we are investigating the influence of Russian on our elections. We have seen the Mueller Commission indict Russians for election tampering and everyone is wondering if Trump will be indicted for the conspiring with these anti-democratic forces. Who is investigating corporations?

Take a minute and read about General Electric on Wikipedia. Count how many foreign banks and business are wholly or partly owned by GE. During the 2008 recession, our Federal Bank loaned billions, maybe trillions, of dollars to foreign central banks and in some cases directly to foreign financial institutions who where deeply intertwined with American business. They did this to keep the financial markets from collapsing. The 2008 recession revealed the depth and complexity of the multinational financial and corporate world.

Yet corporations use their money to help elect candidates. What is the difference between this and the attempt by the Russian government in influence our elections?

Here is quote from the Federal Elections Commission website:
Campaigns may not accept contributions from the treasury funds of corporations, labor organizations or national banks. This prohibition applies to any incorporated organization, including a nonstock corporation, a trade association, an incorporated membership organization and an incorporated cooperative.
A campaign may, however, accept contributions from PACs established by corporations, labor organizations, incorporated membership organizations, trade associations and national banks. Moreover, the Act permits corporations, labor organizations, incorporated membership organizations, trade associations and national banks to use their treasury funds for certain election-related activities that benefit candidates.
The underlining is mine.

Unless you know something I don't, this statement is ridiculous. It says corporations cannot and can donate money in two sequential paragraphs. These corporation may be registered in the United States but many of them are beholden to foreign interests. Why are they allowed to try to influence our elections when they not citizens and have foreign interests?

Kavanaugh's impending appointment to the Supreme Court means even more shift toward corporate influence in America. Senator Whitehouse reviews the Roberts Court record on voting for corporate interests ahead of the interests of American citizens - Kavanaugh's voting record will amplify this bias.

I am not opposed to globalization of business or multinational corporations. They draw the world together, which is good in my opinion, since we are all together on this planet. But as Americans we value our freedom and express it through voting. We are a democracy of people not corporations. Yet we allow multinational corporations to influence our elections even though the corporation itself cannot vote.

Please vote for candidates who want to get rid of corporate influence in elections. If the Mueller Commission is justified, then reversing Citizens United is even more justified.


  1. Bless Senator Whitehouse...revelatory and, hopefully, more than sufficiently effective in these currently 'damning' times...


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