My blogsite is named for a great judge, who was never nominated to the Supreme Court, Learned Hand. The reason he was not nominated was that he was completely neutral in his opinions. No president could rely on Judge Hand to taint his judgments with ideology. From this, it follows, that biased judges are routinely nominated to the court, hence not always the fairest or best. I don't know enough about Judge Kavanaugh's opinions from the bench to judge his bias myself, but the fact that Trump nominated him implies he is bent rightward. When I heard the first reports of a high school party that resulted in a sexual encounter, possibly not consensual, I thought that it was probably just bad judgement by a young, testosterone and alcohol fueled, teenager. But after reading the press reports and hearing the testimony, it feels like something different. Thinking back to my time in high school and college, 25 years before Judge Kavanaugh, only once did I have a beer and never, unfo...