Trump's Hands

Trump's hands symbolize for me everything I hate about him, and it isn't their size. It is the fact that the most substantial thing they have ever held is golf club. His hands have never used a hammer, saw or shovel, they have never tied steel, baked a cake, poured concrete, planed a board, gutted a chicken, dug coal, sewed a sleeve on a shirt, or filed a book on the shelf of public library. They are the hands of a 'taker' as the Republicans like to call people on welfare. His hands take what other people do for him and he doesn't pay them for their efforts. His are the hands of a person who has no respect for the value that workers add to the world.

What is my evidence for these statements? Trump has gone bankrupt six times. Did he suffer personally from any of these failed business ventures? No. The people who suffered were the men and women who work for him, the waitresses, the brick layers, the accountants. Sure bankruptcy is legal, but is it right to not pay your bills when you are wealthy? To hide behind the corporate wall that allows you to steal from the people who have given you their time and sweat, trusting they will be paid for it? Has he personally suffered by not being able to buy his kids new school clothes or ensure they have enough to eat? Does he look like he cares? Did he, after his financial problems were settled, come back and "make it right" with the people that lost out because he failed as a businessman six times? If you got caught driving while intoxicated twice, you would lose your license to drive. Trump failed six time and just kept on businessing along in his ignorant and failing way, maybe not killing people but harming them nevertheless. Thank god he turned to television, where he belongs. But who allowed Trump to stay in business after all these failures? The Deep State!

Donald Trump claims there is a deep state conspiracy in this country and he is right. The Republicans are conspiring to take as much of the American Pie for the wealthy as they can, by passing legislation aimed at harming labor unions, refusing to pay a living minimum wage, and giving employers the tools to treat their employees like serfs. The conspiracy is a conspiracy of greed. It is a conspiracy of stratifying the country into the overseers and the works and to squeeze the workers as hard as possible. Don't let them become educated. Don't let them have political power. Don't let them know they will never get rich by working. Don't let them know that you only get rich by stealing from those who work for you. What a joke that employers worry about their workers stealing from them. Anyone who works with their hands and voted for Donald Trump got taken by a TV conman. You might as well have donated to Jim and Tammy Baker.

His disdain for labor is the bedrock of my disdain for Trump and for the Republican party (I hate to capitalize their names). It is the bedrock of my disdain because workers are the bedrock of America. Next comes education. Then business. When my father worked as an electrician his goals was always to give a good day's work for a good day's pay. He added value to his work by keeping himself educated about changes in his field and by being prepared by studying plans and thinking out the work process. I know this because I worked with him and with his co-workers. He also organized his fellow workers into a union that adds value to its work. The International Brotherhood of Electrical workers still works hand-in-hand with the National Electrical Contractors Association. Cooperation between workers and business benefits both, but it must have mutual respect and fair compensation. This is a model that has been ripped apart by Republican anti-labor policies. I can't say Trump has ripped them apart because he doesn't know anything about labor policies.

Donations from big business is what buys Republican loyalty. That loyalty keeps the Republican Party from impeaching the fool we have for president. My only worry is that if he is impeached he will go back into business, if he doesn't go to jail, and once again go bankrupt, the one thing he seems to do well.


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