The Press

Why does Trump vilify the press? Because he doesn't want his supporters to believe what reporters are reporting. Does anyone really think that the mainstream news is conspiracy of thousands of journalists? Does anyone believe they all conspire together before they report what they are seeing and hearing from the Trump administration? Of course not, because it isn't happening. What is happening is that most reporters agree on what they see and hear. If someone puts a chair on a stage and asks a thousand reporters to report on the event, some may say they saw an old wooden chair, some may report they saw an antique chair, some may not even describe the chair but just say they saw a place to sit on the stage. But they all will say about the same thing. This isn't a conspiracy, this is a consensus.  This is what you do every day.

Trump wants you to believe that reporters are lying when they report that a chair is a chair. Trump wants you to believe it isn't a chair but is actually a dog on the stage or nothing at all. He wants you to believe that everyone who reported they saw a chair was mistaken. He wants this because what people see when they observe Trump's behaviour is ignorance and bigotry and greed right out in the open, obvious to anyone who looks or listens. In a court of law if 25 people report they saw a chair and one reported he said he saw a dog, who would you believe. Well, maybe if you a Trump supporter, you might choose the to believe the liar.

So, all you Trump supporters, haven't you learned in the course of your lives to know a blow-hard bully when you see one? Haven't you learned to know when you are getting conned? Some of you are happy to have someone white try to turn off the spigot that lets people of color flow into this country. Turning off the spigot will never happen and Trump can't make it happen just like he can't bring back the coal industry, just like he can't manufacture a 4% annual growth rate, just like he can't change women into disposable sex objects and get away with it. You may like those ideas, you may want to live in white, male dominated world but the world is changing and Trump is not going to stop it. You didn't get ahead in life because a foreigner or a woman took you job away from you, you didn't get ahead in life because you believe the kind of bullshit that Trump is shoveling your way and you are gobbling up.

Reporters are truth tellers and some people don't want to hear the truth, especially the Donald. He doesn't want the truth told because we will probably find out that his is beholden to Tsar Putin, for two reasons - money and sex. Trump has been given money by Russians for years and they don't pay without expecting something in return. Tsar Putin almost certainly does have video tapes of Trump engaging in sexual acts that some people would call perverted. That is small potatoes compared to selling out our foreign policy, our NATO allies, the sanctity of our elections, for cash payments to support his empire, an empire that he couldn't support by normal business means having gone bankrupt six time. He needed a little help getting cash so he sold off the American legacy to get it. So all you Trump supporters, be proud of the man who is trying to pull the rug out from under the country we all love. That is why Trump denigrated the mainstream news. He doesn't want anyone to believe the truth. Sorry Donald, a chair is still a chair.


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