Sessions and Trump
In an interview yesterday on Fox News, our president said the following about Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General of the United States,
In the second quote Trump says "He took my job...". Whose job? The people of the United States's job is whose job this is. Anyone who doesn't understand and acknowledge the difference is unfit to be president.
Trump also implies that Sessions should not have recused himself in regard to the Russian investigation. In other interviews he has repeatedly stated that he wants Sessions to end the investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election and is angry Sessions hasn't fired Mueller. Trump wants Sessions, as Attorney General of the United States, to stop the search for the truth about the meddling in our election process, a process that is the heart of any democracy. That is why, in emerging democracies, when elections occur for the first time, international teams of election observers are sent to the country to monitor the fairness of the election process.
Trump has no concern for the fairness of our election process. He is concerned that Mueller might find evidence of election tampering by a foreign power and that that tampering was encouraged and aided by the Trump campaign staff. Trump's own statements tell the story. He doesn't want the truth told. And once the truth is told he will deny it. Rudi Giuliani stated the heart of Trump, the essence of Trump, when he said, "Truth isn't truth".
We've seen the movie Rashomon. We know that events can be interpreted differently by different observers. But facts do exist. People do assault other people, they rob, they rape. If these were simply matters of opinion why even have a legal system with courts, lawyers, and judges. There are rules of evidence. People also commit crimes against our country. These may not be as clear as a witnessed murder of one person by another, but they are real events, just as a murder is a real event.
Trump asked about Sessions "What kind of man is this?" Well Donald, the answer is that he is more honest and loyal than you. He is honest because he wants the truth told and he is loyal to his real boss, the people of America.
“And by the way, he was on the campaign,” Trump said on Fox. "You know, the only reason I gave him the job is because I felt loyalty. He was an original supporter.”In the same interview Trump also said,
“Jeff Sessions recused himself, which he shouldn’t have done, or he should have told me,” Trump said. “He took my job, and then he said, ‘I’m going to recuse myself.’ I said, ‘What kind of man is this?’ ”For these two statements alone Donald Trump should be kicked out of office. In the first statement Trump admitted that he had not appointed Sessions because he thought he was the best candidate for the job of attorney general but because he was loyal. The appointment of Sessions was a payback for support during the campaign. I know that all politicians appoint like-thinking persons to positions of power. However, the first responsibility of the president or any high ranking elected official is to his constituents, to the people who he represents. Trump, as awful as it sounds, represents America. And therefore he should be appointing people to key positions for their ability to carry out their jobs, not as a payback for support.
In the second quote Trump says "He took my job...". Whose job? The people of the United States's job is whose job this is. Anyone who doesn't understand and acknowledge the difference is unfit to be president.
Trump also implies that Sessions should not have recused himself in regard to the Russian investigation. In other interviews he has repeatedly stated that he wants Sessions to end the investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election and is angry Sessions hasn't fired Mueller. Trump wants Sessions, as Attorney General of the United States, to stop the search for the truth about the meddling in our election process, a process that is the heart of any democracy. That is why, in emerging democracies, when elections occur for the first time, international teams of election observers are sent to the country to monitor the fairness of the election process.
Trump has no concern for the fairness of our election process. He is concerned that Mueller might find evidence of election tampering by a foreign power and that that tampering was encouraged and aided by the Trump campaign staff. Trump's own statements tell the story. He doesn't want the truth told. And once the truth is told he will deny it. Rudi Giuliani stated the heart of Trump, the essence of Trump, when he said, "Truth isn't truth".
We've seen the movie Rashomon. We know that events can be interpreted differently by different observers. But facts do exist. People do assault other people, they rob, they rape. If these were simply matters of opinion why even have a legal system with courts, lawyers, and judges. There are rules of evidence. People also commit crimes against our country. These may not be as clear as a witnessed murder of one person by another, but they are real events, just as a murder is a real event.
Trump asked about Sessions "What kind of man is this?" Well Donald, the answer is that he is more honest and loyal than you. He is honest because he wants the truth told and he is loyal to his real boss, the people of America.
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