Paul Krugman Today

The photograph at the beginning of Paul Krugman's column in todays New York Times was frightening. The young woman holding a MAGA hat and the middle aged woman beside her look enraptured. What woman with any sense would support this misogynist? What hold over these females does he have? Do they want him to grab them by their pussies? Is that what they are waiting for? Have I misinterpreted women all these years? Do they believe that reality TV is reality? What is going on?

What is going on is the rise of fascism in America and the yeast that is making it rise is the Republican party. Only a fascist state can keep the Republicans in power. Without a change of the rules that has created the American democracy the white tribe will lose power and our country be thrown into a mixed racial stew from which, who knows what, might arise. Socialism even!

Krugman gets right to the point in his opinion piece. The Republican Party has stopped playing by the rules since Obama was elected. They have stopped debating issues and done everything they can to hold on to power, even if it means dismantling American democratic institutions. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has failed to look for truth. In its place he has made it his mission and the mission of his committee to defend Donald Trump from any legitimate investigation of his illegal use of the Russian government to undermine the 2016 election. He has said this in public.

I would feel terrible if I died leaving my children a fascist America. Under Obama we were proceeding toward a tolerant, civil society. Obama had a wife and kids who he liked and who liked him. He welcomed people of all races and genders. Under his presidency we created an improved healthcare system that gave 10 million more people access to affordable health care. With Trump we being pushed this way and that by a misogynist, adolescent, who doesn't read, doesn't know anything except what he sees on TV.

Obama taught law; Trump ignores law. And the Republicans are following him because they want to be in power, even if it destroys America as we know it; an America in which the rule of law applies to everyone. Because the Republicans have abdicated their responsibility to play by the rules, to debate in a reasonable way, to compromise, to look after the best interests of their constituents, everyone should vote against them in November.

Krugman is right. Fascism could happen here. The Republicans are taking us in that direction by gerrymandering, stonewalling legislation, packing the courts, and supporting an unbridled, adolescent, autocratic, no-nothing as their leader, because he seems to be able to enrapture those who are naive or hungry for power or money.

I apologize to those Republicans who oppose Trump, like Will Hurd in south Texas, but there are too few of you to stop this, so now there needs to fewer Republicans.

Please support your democratic candidates where ever they are. If you are in a securely Democratic area support someone electable nearby. For me, I am supporting Lisa Brown ( in Washington's 5th District and working to help her beat the Republican incumbent Cathy Rodgers.


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