Obama trumps Trump as a businessman

Who knows what the future holds? An epidemic of ebola or some other uniformly fatal disease could kill half the world's population, or an astroid could hit earth and destroy most of the living things here. But assuming neither of those happen and that everyone continues on as they are at present, the population of the earth will continue to increase. What is the likelihood that everyone will stay in the country they were born into? Unlikely, is the answer. The world will eventually be one race, a mixture of black, white, red, yellow, and brown. When I was 14 years old, in 1960, and the civil rights movement was raging, I thought what an easy problem to solve: start a pro-miscegination league. Once everyone was intermarried who could be prejudiced?

When Obama (half black, half white) was president, America was reaching out to the countries of the world to solve the problem of increasing population. He did not open the borders of America to unlimited immigration, in fact, Obama deported more people than any other president. But he worked with the world leaders to ease the plight of refugees, migrants, and victims of disfunctional governments. He also worked together to reduce climate change by cooperating with all the countries of the world.

Now under Trump (half white, half ignoramus) we have changed course on these issues 180 degrees. America, under Trump, is attempting to close our borders to immigration of non-white, non-christian people, to keep America as the Preservationist see it, a white christian country: ahhh, the last stand of white tribalism. He denies that climate is changing and stopped cooperating with the rest of the world. He is taking us towards isolationism and autocracy.

It makes me sick.

Ask China. For centuries they were the masters of xenophobia, not interacting with the barbarians of the outside world. China saw itself as the greatest civilization on earth. Until, in the 20th century, they discovered that the industrial and technology revolutions had occurred and they were left behind. Right now, they are catching up fast because they stopped their isolation and began to interact with the world through education, business, and culture.

But we have an unlikely savior in this right-wing mess: business. Trump and his sycophantic Republican minions can't undo the web of business that has engulfed the world, as much as they would like to. I suppose they could make it illegal for companies to have foreign offices or partners, to do business outside America. How well do you think that would go over with their economic supporters? The recession of 2008 was solid evidence that we are tied together by money. Corporations, banks, and industry have done more to bring the world together than any government. And the governments will have to deal with it by dealing with their partners in the world, their neighbors who are looking more and more like their in-laws.

So, here I am, usually a critic of business because of its unfairness toward its workers, praising them for forging ahead toward a unified world, a United Nations of commerce. My message to the leaders of the big banks, big multinational companies, international bond traders, all of you who willingly reach across our borders to work with the rest of the world - stop supporting Trump. He may have given you tax cuts on your personal income, but he is weaving us a cocoon of ignorance and bigotry, totally out of character for our country.

When will the torch of the statue of liberty be relit?


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