Brown vs Rodgers

A political race is taking place in Eastern Washington that if important to everyone who is tired of Republican craziness and their support of the crazy-in-chief, Donald Trump. Lisa Brown, a Democrat, is running against the incumbent Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a Republican. Rodgers is the ranking woman in the House and deeply involved in protecting our president at the expense of 'truth'.
Devin Nunes, head of the House Intelligence Committee, made it clear that he and his fellow Republicans prefer autocracy to democracy. At the fund raiser for Rodgers he said, "If Sessions won’t unrecuse and Mueller won’t clear the president, we’re the only ones, which is really the danger,” referring to his committee's responsibility. We always thought the responsibility of the House Intelligence Committee was to find the truth, but as we just found out from Rudi Giuliani, "Truth isn't truth." That is the group Cathy McMorris Rodgers runs with.

Rodger has voted for Trump supported legislation 97% of the time according to FiveThirtyEight, the polling and statistics giant. As far as her constituents go, she seems to have forgotten them. She voted to end Obamacare which would have taken health insurance away from 70,000 of her constituents. Hey, eastern Washington voters, what do you think about that?

She voted for the new tax legislation which gave tax cuts to the wealthy but did nothing for the mostly poorer, white, rural Americans in her district.

Rodgers and the other Republicans abdicated their responsibility to govern when Obama was elected. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan vowed to do everything in their power to make Obama fail as president. What happened to the responsibility to pass legislation that benefits our country? What happened to debate? What happened to cooperation? Rodgers was there and supported this position. For this alone she does not deserve another term.

Lisa Brown is educated and uses her education for the improvement of those around her. She holds a Phd in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, served as an associate professor of Economics at Eastern Washington University from 1981-2001, then as an associate professor of organizational leadership at Gonzaga from 2001-2012. During this time she worked for the people of Washington in the state legislature, first in the house and then in the senate. She served as Washington State Senate Majority leader. As Chancellor of Washington State University Spokane she created a second medical school in the state of Washington.

She supports:

  • Universal health Care
  • Increasing wages for the working people of her district
  • Affordable higher education
  • Protecting Social Security and Medicare
  • Ensure national Security
  • Increase environmental protection
  • Support electoral and campaign finance reform
Cathy McMorris Rodgers supports none of these except ensuring national security.

The choice is clear even without Trump. With him it is overwhelming. Lisa Brown is the better candidate and deserves the vote of the 5th district voters as well as the financial support of anyone who cares about keeping America free.

If you would like to donate to Lisa Brown here is the link:


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