The Lying King

With his flowing mane of orange hair, Trump may think of himself as Simba, the lion king, rising up from the exile of bankruptcy, to make America and himself great again. Maybe he doesn't know the difference between the two words: lion and lying. They sound almost the same but, sorry Donald, you are no lion and you are no king.

Trump is a liar, not a lion. He lies because he is a businessman. The biggest and most common lie that business executives tell is that they can't pay their workers more because it would bankrupt the company. What they really mean is that if they pay their workers more then they can't pay themselves as much and maybe not be able to support the debt on their houses, boat, cars and mistresses.

I learned that executives lie when I was an employed physician working for a large 'non-profit' Catholic hospital. We asked what percent we were getting paid of the money our work as doctors in the emergency room generated. The chief administrator, seated beside his chief accountant said, they couldn't figure it out, they didn't know. And they refused to let an independent accountant look at their books. We subsequently learned that they knew exactly how much money we were generating and is was a lot more than we were getting paid. Sound familiar to you truck drivers, hod carriers, nurses, steel workers, and everyone who is employed? Your work adds value to the product. What value does your boss add? Who gets the biggest share of the profits?

Cutting the donald some slack, everything he says that is wrong is not a lie; a lot of it is just ignorance. When you learn everything you know from watching TV, you get a TV view of the world. As Trump himself says, he doesn't read books. Chapters maybe. Reports and briefs from educated, experienced people on his staff; unlikely. Knowledge of the real world might change his view of how the world works, and god knows, we wouldn't want to let facts cloud our vision of the world as seen through Fox news. So, instead, he just spouts unsupported bullshit. If he worked as a steelworker and the boss came along and asked how many bundles of rebar was needed for a wall, and you just made up a number that turned out to be wrong by a factor of two, rather than figuring out how much rebar you really needed, would you keep your job?

But mostly his inaccuracies are lies and not ignorance. He lies about the press. He lies about immigrants. He lies about crime. He lies about foreign trade. And he does this because he wants to paint a picture of an America engulfed in crime  and moral depravity so he can blame immigrants, people of color, gender changers, atheists, scientists, and most of all reporters. He want us to be afraid so he can save us from these fictional problems. Immigrants are not a major source of crime. Sure, some Mexican cartels import drugs and murder people along the border but this in not being done by refugees and immigrants but by criminals who would do it even if there was a complete closure of the border. Crime in cities and America in general is at its lowest in decades. Read the statistics. Loss of jobs in rural America is a real problems and needs help.

And Trump lies to make money. After failing as a business executive he got his name known though TV. He sold his brand name - Trump - to Russians money launderers. Trump has gone from failed casino owner to politician, bringing his culture of lies with him. It's time for Trump supporters to admit that you've been taken in by a TV charlatan. Unless, of course, you are a racist and misogynist, then stand right beside your hero, but believe me the world is going to leave you behind, if it hasn't already.

If Trump wanted to really make America Great Again, like it was in the late 50s and 60s he would increase the wages of middle class workers. My father supported our family of 4 on his wages as an electrician without my mother working. Neither he or my mother inherited a dime. But they were frugal. If Trump wants to return to this era he should support raising wages of the average person instead of giving tax cuts to the wealthy. But, once again, Trump lied. He doesn't want to make America Great Again, he wants to make himself and his friends richer. Sorry.


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